domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Merry X-Mas!!

¡¡Merry X-Mas!!
<-Alchemists and Humans->

Be Happy in this X-mas
Because... It is the Antepenultimate.
(Remember 2012)

(If you say to the children that Santa doesn't exist... please... record and upload the video >D)


jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

X-MAS DAY!!! ^_^

Christmas or Christmas Day

 Is a holiday observed generally on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. The date is not known to be the actual birthday of Jesus, and may have initially been chosen to correspond with either the day exactly nine months after some early Christians believed Jesus had been conceived, the date of the winter solstice on the ancient Roman calendar, or one of various ancient winter festivals. Christmas is central to the Christmas and holiday season, and in Christianity marks the beginning of the larger season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days.
Although nominally a Christian holiday, Christmas is also widely celebrated by many non-Christians, and many of its popular celebratory customs have pre-Christian or secular themes and origins. Popular modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, music, an exchange of greeting cards, church celebrations, a special meal, and the display of various decorations; including Christmas trees, lights, garlands, mistletoe, nativity scenes, and holly. In addition, several similar mythological figures, known as Saint Nicholas, Father ChristmasSanta Claus among other names, are associated with bringing gifts to children during the Christmas season. and
Because gift-giving and many other aspects of the Christmas festival involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, the holiday has become a significant event and a key sales period for retailers and businesses. The economic impact of Christmas is a factor that has grown steadily over the past few centuries in many regions of the world.


Here the Story of X-mas :D

We finished here ^^

Triple D-AS

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010


Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. While it may have been religious in origin, Thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday. It is sometimes casually referred to as Turkey Day.
In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October.
In the United States, it falls on the fourth Thursday of November

Thanksgiving Day, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863, when during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26.

The modern Thanksgiving holiday traces its origins from a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the Plymouth settlers held a harvest feast after a successful growing season. This was continued in later years, first as an impromptu religious observance, and later as a civil tradition.
Squanto, a Patuxet Native American who resided with the Wampanoag tribe, taught the Pilgrims how to catch eel and grow corn and served as an interpreter for them (Squanto had learned English while enslaved in Europe and during travels in England). Additionally the Wampanoag leader Massasoit had caused food stores to be donated to the fledgling colony during the first winter when supplies brought from England were insufficient. The Pilgrims set apart a day to celebrate at Plymouth immediately after their first harvest, in 1621. At the time, this was not regarded as a Thanksgiving observance; harvest festivals existed in English and Wampanoag tradition alike. Several colonists gave personal accounts of the 1621 feast in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The Pilgrims, most of whom were Separatists, are not to be confused with Puritans who established their own Massachusetts Bay Colony nearby (current day Boston) in 1628 and had very different religious beliefs.

The Pilgrims held an even greater Thanksgiving celebration in 1623, after a switch from communal farming to privatized farming, a fast, and a refreshing 14-day rain resulted in a larger harvest. William DeLoss Love calculates that this thanksgiving was made on Wednesday, July 30, 1623, a day prior to the arrival of a supply ship with more colonists, but prior to the harvest. In Love's opinion, this 1623 thanksgiving was significant because the order to recognize the event was from civil authority, (Governor Bradford) and not from the church, making it likely the first civil recognition of Thanksgiving in New England.

Irregular Thanksgivings continued after favorable events and days of fasting after unfavorable ones. In the Plymouth tradition, a thanksgiving day was primarily a church observance, rather than a feast day. But thanksgiving days did have a civil observance linked to the religious one, as in 1623. Gradually, an annual Thanksgiving after the harvest developed in the mid-17th century. This did not occur on any set day or necessarily on the same day in different colonies in America.


So... Happy Thanksgiving for Every World :D

From: Triple D-AS


El verbo MUST y al cual se le pueden atribuir dos significados principales: para indicar que estamos seguros de la certeza de algo y también para expresar una opinión, es decir, indicar que es necesario hacer algo.
Expresan una obligación. "Must" se utiliza con el tiempo presente y futuro
Para emplear el verbo modal MUST en una interrogación, debemos colocarlo al comienzo de la pregunta.
En cambio, para construir la negación con el verbo modal MUST debemos proceder de la siguiente manera: MUSTN'T

"Must" también se puede utilizar para expresar un consejo de forma enfática

  • You must do your homework
  • You must follow the rules.
  • We must not spend the money.
  • You must not move to London.
  • Must we visit your parents?
  • Must you go to school today?
-- Consejo--
  • You must stop smoking

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


The Mexican Revolution
November 20th, 1910

The fall of a dictadorship...

"Viva Madero!!!"
"Viva Zapata!!!"
"Viva Villa!!!"
"Viva Carranza!!!"

Viva Triple D-AS

Library's Rulers :D

  • Keep Silence.
  • No enter with foods and drinks.
  • Don't smoke.
  • Don't run.
  • Show your library's credential for take out a book.
  • No enter with pets.
  • Take care of the books and computers.
  • No throw trash.
  • Put the books in its place.
  • Respec the librarian.
  • Respec the specific regulations.
Thanks :D


We finished here :D

Reviews, please.


Triple D-AS

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Traffic Signs in India

 There are simples signs.  
P: Estacionamiento
Give way: Cede el paso

 Significa no escupir
No se permiten Elefantes D:


Sorry teacher, We don't find more D: 
 But in India have similar signs with The United States D:

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Trick or Treat!!!! >D


From Triple D-AS   =D

Eat much, have fun, steal share candies and scared people >D

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Biography about...

Juan Nepomuceno Carlos Pérez Rulfo Vizcaíno or... more simple: Juan Rulfo.

Juan Rulfo born in San Gabriel, Jalisco, Mexico. On May 16 in 1917 and die in Mexico City on Junuary 7 in 1986.
He was a mexican writer and photographer. He belonged of the 52's generation on XX century.
His reputation rest in two books: Pedro Páramo and El Llano en Llamas. He wrote Magic Realism.
He with the argentinean Jorge Luis Borges are the most famous writers of the Spanish Language in XX century in a poll conducted by Editorial Alfaguara.

In his childhood he lived in his grandparents house with his parents, but after his father was killed in 1923 and his mother die in 1927; his grandmother rised him in Taxco de Alarcón, Jalisco. Their extended family consisted of landowners whose fortunes were ruined by the Mexican Revolution and the Cristiada (Cristero War).
In 1933 he tried to enter to Guadalajara University, but the university was on strike, then he went to Mexico City and entered in San Idelfonso Institute. In 1934 he began write stories and articles for the magazine "América". In 1946 he began with the photography.
In 1947, he married with Carla Angelina Aparicio Reyes, they had four children: Claudia Berenice, Juan Francisco, Juan Pablo and Juan Carlos.

He won the prize "Premio Nacional de Literatura" in Mexico, 1970 and "Principe de Asturias" in Spain, 1983.

He published Nos han dado la tierra in 1945, El llano en llamas in 1953, Pedro Páramo in 1955, El gallo de oro y otros textos para cine and Juan Rulfo in 1980, El inframundo, El México de Juan Rulfo in 1983 and more...

He finally die in 1986 in Mexico City.


We finished here :D

Triple D-AS

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


Welcome to our blog (again). "Triple D-AS" is a equip conformed for Diana, Derian, Dilan, Armandina and Saul. We are in third grade group F in the School: Manuel Álvarez.

I don't know if I wrote fine the introdution... jeje.

Reviews please!!
